Missionary Santa

This week has gone by so fast!! We were crazy busy! Highlight of the week was definitely dressing up as a reindeer for this nursery school! So this Sister in the branch works at this nursery in Yamaguchi, and they were having a special Christmas party thing. So I was on exchanges in Yamaguchi with Elder Wright, so me and Elder Wright dress up for this party. He dressed up as Santa. The kids loved it. It was crazy!! Literally hundreds of cute kids going crazy seeing Santa! Haha coolest thing! We sang jingle bells with them and I forgot the words so I just said random stuff it was too funny! Then I went back to Hofu that night and we had a branch Christmas Party that me and Elder Johnson put together, which was way stressful. Because of social media, we actually had a pretty good turnout! Super grateful for that tool we have now! We tried having a white elephant, but Japanese people are way too nice to take each other's presents, so it didn't turn out as the most exciting white elephant! Haha it was fun though! Oh it was also Elder Johnson's Birthday this week, we didn't end up housing too much that day which made him a sad haha! Oh yesterday we also visited this member in the hospital which was sweet, until I found out she had tuberculosis and I had already shaken her hand... So if I die soon you'll know why. Haha just kidding but I am a little worried... Oh our power also went out last night so we didn't dendou too long last night which was sad, but our prayers were answered and after much help, we were able to get it fixed!!
Way good to see my family today!! Just a quick shout out, I have the best family and I love them so much!! I know that God gives us our families for a reason and that through this gospel, we can strengthen our family relationships and find true happiness with one another!
It's been such a blessing to share the gospel this Christmas season. It has a special spirit and opens more doors to listen to our message. I know that Christ truly did live for for us and that because of Him, we can find true joy and happiness.
Love you all! Merry Christmas!!!
Elder Lim
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