Miracles in Hofu
Dear Friends and Family
Wow so much has happened this week. So many miracles! Elder Segura is way awesome and so good at building relationships with people fast, so less actives and investigators that I've been struggling to get to and talk to, have been opening their doors and talking to us. I've definitely learned a lot from him. Our investigator Daizo that I've been teaching since December, even came to church! He's been progressing very slowly and not coming to church, but Elder Segura is way bold and a way good teacher, so Friday night Daizo finally said he'd come to church and he did! I feel like he's making some serious growth and could get baptized soon! I was worried about teaching him commandments, cause he always asks so many questions, but so far he's agreed to keep a lot of them! Way cool miracle.
Another miracle! We got two new investigators this week, which is a huge improvement after finding none last transfer... Anyways, one of them is the less active guys girlfriend, the one I talked about last week. So we came over and taught and the guy really wants his girlfriend to get baptized, so we taught her and it went way well. The less active guy told his conversion story too. So we're hitting two birds with one stone here haha. Also this is my first investigator that is basically a referral from a member and the member wants the person to be taught. It's so much easier and better when people have a member there, motivating them and helping them along the path. Anyways after we taught we lifted, and it was so good to get a real workout for once haha!
Last miracle! So Elder Segura had a cool idea to call and visit schools and see if we could help out with English class or something. We'll cause last week this SG lady said she'd call her daughter's school for us. Anyways we called them and they said they'd meet with us. So we met and had like a meeting with the school board and it was way sick. These people were like who are you and why do you want to help? So we got to tell them about missionaries and what we do. Then they agreed to have us help once a week, but they have to talk to some other school board first so hopefully it goes through. But then they invited us to a school field trip!! Haha we're going on a field trip with a bunch of middle schoolers!! Way sick!! I'm so pumped. But best of all, they said we could come anytime and play basketball with the kids in the gym. I just about cried tears of joy. It's been too long since I've played. Too long.
Last thing. We had zone conference this week and we learned that we need to be better about inviting to baptism on the first lesson and so we've been doing that and seeing so many miracles and positive results!!
Things are starting to get going down here in Hofu. I have an amazing companion and I'm so glad to be here. I love this work and these people. I know that this is God's work and that this is the true church on the earth today.
Oh Funny thing!! Haha so little awkward but.. So Sunday morning we had a return appointment, but we forgot about it until planning at 9, so we rushed over to this guy's house and got there like 9:20 cause he's kinda far. The appointment was supposed to be 8:30. Anyways so we get there, teach him and he becomes a new investigator. Way sick. Problem is, we finish like 9:55 and church starts at 10. Church was like a 20 minute bike ride away. So the one Sunday that we get our investigator to church and the District President comes, we show up late and miss sacrament. 

Hope everyone is well!
Elder Lim
-playing basketball with some kids we found
-Sister WRIGHT
- after zone conference
-Getting swoll
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