Field Trip


This week has been one of the funnest weeks so far!! We also found 3 new investigators this week and if all goes well, we will have 4 investigators at church next week!! So many miracles!! We've just been finding people who have been way down to come to church. All this time I thought it was pretty hard to get people to come to church, but Elder Segura is always just like, "hey have you ever been to a Christian church?" then they say no and he just says, "you want to try coming next Sunday?" and they say yes!! Way sick!

There's this one guy we met last night, he was way chill and we walked to the cleaners together and talked while he did is laundry. He moved from China when he was 16 all by himself. He lives by himself and just works. He has no goals in life, and it was way sad to hear. If there's anyone prepared for the Gospel, it's him! He agreed to come to church on Sunday! God seriously put him in our path and it's crazy how things like that happen as a missionary.

We also met this Cambodian guy who is now an investigator! He doesn't speak English or much Japanese so it was way hard communicating! We walked to a 7-11 together so we could use Google translate haha! We asked him if he believed God existed and he said no. Then we told him we have proof he exists and he could know that God exists. He said he was interested so we're going to play ping pong at the church next Saturday and try to teach him haha!


 So we've been meeting with schools to see if we can volunteer in English classes and this week we got to teach in a junior high school!! Way fun!! I got to experience Japanese school haha!! We helped kids made a presentation and then graded them when they presented. Way sick!! The teacher told them we could only understand Japanese, but not speak, that way the kids would practice speaking English. So it was way hard trying to help them cause they couldn't understand us! Never have I ever been more frustrated, not to speak Japanese! 

Then on Saturday, they invited us to go with the school on a school FIELD TRIP. We got to go on a field trip with a school. Literally the funnest thing I've done. Japan is way different from America. Cause the field trip was a HIKE. No kid in America would be down for that haha. It was a pretty tough hike too where you had to climb over rocks and it was way steep. Not only that, but we walked from the school to the trailhead which is like a 7 kilometer (4.5 mile) walk. So just to get to the mountain and back was a total 9 miles. Then the hike was probably 2 or 3 miles up. It was so fun!!! We became way good friends with a ton of kids! It's funny to see how kids are the same no matter what country. Like there were kids with exact same personalities as any other kids in America. I loved it. The kids were way fun. I already miss some of them! The teachers were also way cool. It's so funny, I got to participate in all this stuff just cause I'm a foreigner haha, I love it. Our goal is to eventually get some kids to our eikaiwa and then teach them from there cause the school doesn't want us doing anything related to religion in or around the school. But just imagine now when those kids or teachers meet missionaries now, how open they will be to them. Way cool. Also, we met with another school this week and they want us to teach in a class, then we can order school lunch and play soccer with the kids at recess!! Literally my dream come true. I've always wanted to try Japanese school lunch haha! But sad part is, the school year doesn't start again until next month, it's spring break right now, and transfers are at the beginning of next month. So I won't be able to do it :( literally worst time to transfer. :( cause I've been in Hofu for so long I'm most likely transferring.

Update on investigator!! 
He said he hasn't received an answer yet and he's worried about paying tithing, so we are going to fast with him Saturday to Sunday so he can receive an answer! Way cool! We've taught him everything and he keeps all of the commandments so he could get baptized any day now! Once he gets his answer which I know he will!! 

Oh random thing. So for two days this week me and Elder Segura went on a juice cleanse and drank nothing but vegetable and tomato juice. We're trying to be healthy and get swoll. It was so hard and we had no energy haha. I've never been full but still so hungry at the same time before haha. Good experience though! 

Sorry for the long email, so much happened I just had to include!! I know all you other missionaries won't have time to read all this, or want to, haha I know I wouldn't!! 

Love you all and hope everyone is doing good!! I'm having the time of my life out here and I love this work and am so grateful to be a servant of the Lord! 


Elder Lim 


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