Gaijin Dodgeball

Dear Friends and Family!! This week went by fast! Didn't have a lot of time to house or anything this week so we didn't get anywhere near our goals. A lot of stuff came up and we were just super busy. We managed to contact 104 people Saturday though! New record! So funny story. So we were housing this neighborhood and in it the day before we got a return appointment with this lady who had two kids who were twins about the age of 9. So there we were, housing and we saw the twins and they were with a bunch of other kids playing some sort of dodge ball game at the park. So Elder Johnson was like, "Let's see if these kids are down to clown." So we went over to them and asked to play and of course you can't say no to gaijin! Super good opportunity to build a relationship with potential investigators. So we were playing having a good time, then I get the ball and throw it at Elder Johnson. So he tries to dodge it, but doesn't realize one of the twin girl...