The Light of Christ

Another week come and gone in a blink of an eye. It seems that as my time comes to a close at the MTC, time speeds up. These last three weeks seemed like no time at all. Yesterday the new Japanese Missionaries coming into our zone came in and it was so fun talking to them and very humbling to realize how bad my Japanese was! However it's such a blessing to get to talk with them often because I learn so much every time I talk to them and it has accelerated my learning. It's crazy to think that we are now Dai-Senpai and only have 3 more weeks left!

One of the biggest and coolest things I learned this week is that the light of Christ is in everything because Christ created everything. We all have the light of Christ in us and we can show that light through our smile and our kindness to others. We can also feel the light of Christ through the sun. The sun is bright and warm and when we feel it's warmth, we can feel the light of Christ. There are many Scriptures in the Book of Mormon that talk about the light of Christ that I would encourage you all to read.

I'm doing good and I hope that everyone is remembering to look for their daily miracles in their lives, I've seen so many in mine already. 

(As a Zone we made it a goal to clear out an entire column of cereal and we did it and cleared out the Cinnamon Toast Crunch, another Japanese zone did the Lucky Charms)


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