Second Transfer

Dear Friends and Family,

So sorry if last week wasn't super detailed, Elder Johnson was rushing us cause he wanted to play rugby haha! It was way fun though, I'm starting to really like it and I kinda want to play for like fun later in life... I finally get the strategy now and so it's not just me trying to run past everyone as fast as I can haha! We played for like 3 hours. 

This week has been awesome!! We finally have a new investigator! Literally the last day of the transfer and we get a solid new investigator. His name is Hirano Isamu and he's this genki older guy that is so nice! We contacted him earlier this week and set up a return appointment for sunday, and when we came he was way down to talk. He let us in and gave us oranges and he taught him about who God and Jesus Christ were. It was crazy cause some how we both understood what he was saying the whole time! Thanks Spririt!! It was funny too cause he told us he could understand us better than he could understand other Japanese people! Haha which was a super nice compliment cause just the day before when we were housing, this lady was like "Nihongo dekinai!" and basically told me I couldn't speak Japanese... Hahaha I guess there's always time for a first. It's always funny too when you are trying to talk to someone and they are just like, "I don't speak Engrish!" But you're straight up talking Japanese... That's always funny haha! I feel like I'm getting better though, especially with understanding people!

So awesome miracle this week, we had three less actives come to church! And we had a game night on Friday that was way active! We had a less active family come and two potential investigators! We're starting to see things pick up here in Hofu and reaping the rewards from our hard work and obedience.

Another miracle, I didn't fall off my bike this week!! I play with fire sometimes and put on my gloves and zip up my jacket and put on my scarf while riding, but I'm getting better at it haha! Oh also I learned how to juggle 3 balls at once! Super awesome skill haha!

Hope everyone is super genki and doing well! Keep me updated!!


Elder Lim

Hey so I forgot to mention but this week our mission is becoming an online procelyting mission or something so we're getting Facebook! I think they're having us do it differently though and creating a new Facebook account with our myldsmail cause young people can't be trusted and our mission is better than the other ones! haha So catch me on Facebook this week! Just kidding Elder Johnson and I agreed that it's probably not effective as Dendou (Procelyting, Streeting, Housing) So we probably won't do it much if at all!! 


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