Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
This area is way different than Nagasaki I have to say! It's definitely not as busy of a city, but they are building so many new houses it's crazy. The apartment is way nicer too cause it's a lot newer as well. The coolest thing is that a lot of the houses are still very traditional looking with the sweet Japanese style roofs. We are also surrounded by mountains so it's very scenic! I love it here! The ward members are very supportive and loving. there's only about 15 or less active members so we have a lot of work to do!
Nobody really celebrates is here so no turkey for me :( So pday is today instead of last Monday and on Tuesday next week because of transfers.
This week has been crazy! Lots of small miracles here and there. Last pday we went to Yamaguchi and played rugby with the Elders there. It was way fun and Elder Johnson was juking people out of their socks! Then randomly a helicopter dropped in the middle of the field and took a body out so that was cool!
The language has come back pretty well! I'm blessed that I didn't lose that much and I'm starting to learn more again! I can pretty confidently say what I want to, but I still get wrecked when some people talk to me, and I have no idea what they're saying! They just talk so fast and use words I don't know! That's alright though cause there's this cool thing called the Gift of Tongues and Interpretation. Elder Johnson is literally the funniest Elder, so there are moments where I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing in tears! So we're having a good time.
Anyways hope everyone is doing way good! Eat lots of Turkey for me!
Elder Lim
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