戻る (Return)

For those of you who don't know, I haven't just been ignoring everyone and stopping my weekly emails. I have spent the last six months at home. I had to return home to take care of things. This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I truly missed the mission. I had the opportunity though to come home and learn more about myself and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Let me tell you, the atonement is one of the greatest gifts on Earth. Through it and Christ, we can become reborn, changed, and grow closer to God. We can overcome our weaknesses and find true joy.
I have now returned to the mission field and am now in Yamaguchi zone, Hofu area!!! And let me tell you, I am having a blast!! I literally have the greatest companion, Elder Johnson!! He was in my MTC district!! It's so fun because we already know each other super well from the MTC. I'm literally laughing all the time. We helped chop down some bamboo and that was way fun. I ran over a snake with my bike yesterday and Elder Johnson told me I had to write about it cause he was like "Well how many times have you ran over a snake??" Anyways, we don't have any investigators so far and this area hasn't seen a baptism in three years, but we're determined to change that. we're both new to the area too so we're getting to know everyone still and trying not to get lost.
It's so good to be back. Before I felt a lot of homesickness and anxiety. Now things are so good. I haven't had a rough transition at all. It feels like home. I feel like I'm supposed to be here now. The language is still coming back and I realized I forgot a lot, but it's not too bad.
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