New in Nagasaki

Last week I totally spaced on telling everyone where I was assigned! My bad... haha I was assigned to the Nagasaki area in Nagasaki city and my trainer is Elder Jensen from Spanish Fork, Utah! It's been a crazy transition for sure! However everyday, it slowly becomes more like home. I still have a hard time understanding people, but it just encourages me to work harder in studying the language! It was a lot easier to do in the MTC, because we had more time! So those of you still in the MTC, take advantage of your time!! 

Anyways, this week has been pretty fun. I finally got my bike so I don't have to walk everywhere anymore! Nagasaki is famous for it's hills in our mission, so I get a good leg workout everyday! 

The food here is way good and the rice is so much different than in the States! It's so much better!! 

Oh man so many things happen in a week but I don't have time to share everything!! I'll share one thing. So contacting people, stopping people on streets and knocking on doors is kind of hard and discouraging sometimes because it's intimidating and it's hard being rejected! however ever once in awhile God places someone in our path that's totally willing to listen! One day me and my companion were at the church getting ready to go out and talk to people (Streeting) and we ran into a church member, who we asked to pray for us and we told him we're going to have a miracle. Then we walked outside and stopped this young man with his mom and the mother was like "oh can I come to this church? I've been looking for something in my life cause I feel like something is missing" She was truly one of God's elect and it was such a miracle! We had an awesome talk and we're going to see her again sometime! Oh also we had a Hanami  (flower wathcing) and I met someone in our ward who knows my sister in law! That was super cool too and we had people who weren't church members come! it was super fun and a beautiful view!!

Man I always think of stuff I want to say during the week but I always forget! Hopefully this time isn't the case!


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