Transferred to Yatsushiro

Right when you feel at home and love the people the most, is when you suddenly get transferred!!! I have to admit I am pretty bummed. But excited for what the Lord has in store for me next!
So me and Elder Kimura are both transferring out! I'll be heading to Kumamoto zone, yatsushiro area. It was one of my past companions previous areas and I heard a lot about it. One of the most rural areas in the mission! So out of the city, back to Rice fields and a tiny branch! It's gonna be a hard adjustment because I really grew to love this place and the people. My next companion is a new missionary just 1 transfer old in the field. Never met him but I heard he's from the Philippines and his name is Elder Balut

This last week in Hiroshima has been one of the best. OWEN IS GETTING BAPTIZED! The 11 year old kid we've been teaching finally got permission from his dad and he's getting baptized on Sunday! I'm so happy for him! Way sad I'm gonna miss it cause I'm leaving on Wednesday, he wanted me to perform the baptism too.

So Monday we had a combined zone pday and so we walked to Hiroshima castle and these way nice gardens and it was way sick. I invited the girl that came to church with a member last Sunday and I ended up teaching her the restoration and giving her a Book of Mormon on the spot! Then at night we had a zone blitz and we had a family home evening for the members that are single and don't have families and non members who don't do family home evening! Not too many people ended up coming, but it was way fun and a non member family came! The missionaries in the zone I feel like also grew really close and had a fun time so that was a huge success!

General conference this week was awesome! I still have to watch most of it again in English, but I felt the spirit so much especially watching President Nelson's talk. I know that he truly is a prophet of God and if we heed his guidance and counsel, we can grow ever closer to our father in heaven.
Also we got a less active member that hasn't come to church in years to finally come this last Sunday!! Way awesome miracle

It's been very hard saying goodbye to everyone and I'm going to kiss this place sooo much!!

Elder Lim

- zone pday, garden with non member that I gave bom to
-made a candy backpack
- me and elder takaku made a cake
-exchanges with elder howell
- dinner with less active member that came back to church this week!
-last day at seminary 😢


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