I LOVE Being a Missionary
This week was way awesome! We saw a ton of miracles! So probably the biggest miracle was that we visited this former investigator in our area book and invited her to church, and she actually came!! I was totally not expecting her to come cause she had never come before, and when I invited her she was kind of hesitant and said that if she could go she would. But miracles happen! She ended up having a WAY good time and said she wanted to come again! This branch is tiny, but they are very good at including people! Also we visited this less active member on Saturday and invited him to church and he came! It's cool seeing how just inviting people can bring results. The most important thing is the invitation!
Another awesome miracle is we went to a high school sports festival! It was so much fun!! So we we just hit up our Go Eigo mission school student up on Line and was like, hey how's it going? and she was like I'm getting ready for my sports festival on Saturday, wanna come?? and we were like, yeah! So we go to this festival and it was LIT
During the lunch break she came up to us with all her friends and introduced us and was like hey these are my super cool gaijin Eikaiwa teachers! so we met lots of sick high school students! she was also like, hey their Eikaiwa is free too so you should come! and she also introduced her teachers to us too and said that. It was super awesome! Also I talked to this guy I sat next to about missionary work for like an hour. ALSO I had a chance to talk about the church with the PRINCIPAL. She was like an old Japanese nun cause it was a Christian school so that was super cool too.
We also had an Easter party for English class and it was a way good turn out! There were tons of kids and we had them dye eggs and hunt for eggs around the room! Lastly we shared a message about the meaning of Easter and it went way well! We also performed I know that my redeemer lives and the spirit was way strong!
Last miracle! So this member calls us and tells us about this young mom she's been talking to about the gospel and so she asked if she would be interested in "helping the missionaries with their Japanese" and doing a "role play lesson" and she said yes! So we meet and the lesson ends up turning into a real lesson cause she's asking all these great questions. Then our member who jointed and is also less active ended up bearing a way powerfully testimony! Member work is the best!!
That's it for this week!
Elder Lim
-Did someone say rural?
-school sports festival
-student that invited us
-Easter party
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