What another amazing week! So many miracles!
First off biggest miracle ever. A TEMPLE IN OKINAWA!!!! I am so happy and overjoyed that the people of Okinawa will have they're countless prayers answered to have they're own temple!! I love that place and those people SO MUCH! They deserve their own beautiful temple that they can go to on a weekly basis if they so desired. I wish I could be a missionary in Okinawa when the temple is built! But I'm glad I still got to be a small part of building and preparing God's kingdom there to have their own temple.

Anyways miracle up here in Hikari!
So Monday we hung out with these less active members and then went to a light up garden walk thing to see Sakura with one of them! Way awesome time and by the end of the night she committed to come to church when she comes back to Hiroshima in a couple weeks! She hasn't been to church in like 4 years! 😆
We also went out to eat with another less active who hasn't been to church in years and she also committed to coming to church next week! It's amazing seeing how if we just show these people that we want them back, they will come back! We just need to minister like Christ and show them that they are needed!

Another miracle is that we had a way awesome lesson with this investigator that has been coming to church for 10 years but still doesn't think he can be baptized cause he felt like he hasn't gotten an answer yet whether or not that this church is true, or even if God exists.
We had two way powerful member joints and they're testimonies literally brought the spirit so strongly. You could see a change in the investigators countenance after the lesson. And then at church this week he was a lot more attentive to those who bore their testimonies. Maybe now is the time for him!

Last miracle is on Sunday we were talking with the Elders quorum president and he mentioned a less active family he wanted us to visit that I've never heard about before. So we visit them after church and the grandma came out and she was so nice! Then her grandkids came out and we played with them for like an hour it was the best!! Then right before we left, the grandma was like okay let's pray! And so she prays and one of the grandkids like folds her arms and is super reverent and I was like wow, maybe their praying with their kids even though they don't come to church! So we're gonna be working hard to get this family back in the fold!

This pday is a zone pday and it's gonna crazy so no time but I'll tell you about it next week!
Elder Lim

- family that I just talked about with the cute grandkids
- light up hanami
- dinner with LA
-girl that came to church with a member, way awesome member missionary!


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