Becoming More United

Good morning!

This week was way awesome! I've been practicing the guitar and I can play like one song now! I love learning new things!
Highlights for this week!
So we had interviews with President this week and before it started I got the whole zone together and we filmed a video that kind of advertises these six activities that we are focused on doing as missionaries and members. For example English class or family history etc. The goal is to get the members more excited and also explain what we do as missionaries. So I've been working on editing that all week so that's kinda taken up a lot of time! It's my first time trying to make a real video with a real editing software so I hope it turns out OK 😅
I got to do exchanges with the Assistants this week! It was way awesome to just work with some amazing missionaries and also reminisce about Yamaguchi days cause the other assistant was one of the missionaries in my district when I was in Hofu.
We had a ton of less active members come to church which was a way cool miracle! It's so awesome having more people come to church! Also we gave a presentation to the ward and had a ministering fireside. That was way fun and we've been able to unify a lot more with the ward!
So update on Owen, the kid were teaching. So his baptism is coming up soon so we went over the bap questions with him and he's ready to get interviewed and baptized!! Just got to get permission from his dad so please pray for him!
We're going to go have a meal with some less active members today and I'm going to teach them how to make banana lumpia so that should be fun!
Also it's finally Sakura season so be ready for some cool flower pictures Next week!

That's it for now!
Elder Lim
-Best okonomiyaki ever!
-Elder Williams and I on our comp exchange. Sakura just starting to bloom
-Members that helped with our vid
- went to eat okonomiyaki with the sisters and potentials
-went to a members house to eat and they had a way cool fish


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