The Field is White


This week was so awesome! The Lord just keeps blessing us! Last night we stopped a guy on the street and he was on a walk. He said he has actually been really interested in religion lately and been researching Christianity. He was like, wow its so crazy that you stopped me cause I've been wanting to learn about Christianity lately... Ever since he was a child, he always wanted to go to the Christian church. God truly does lead us when we are obedient!

We had a way sick lesson with our investigator Sachiko. I may have mentioned her before, she's a 30 year old woman with the CUTEST 3 year old daughter. Recently divorced and moved to Okinawa. She's been looking for a church lately and wanting God's help in her life. We were able to set a baptismal date with her this week! We also taught her the restoration and the spirit was so strong. Elder Campbell recited the first vision and she started crying! Crazy! Everyone was crying and she related herself to Joseph Smith and how she was searching for a church and asking God what was true. The spirit was so strong and she has been so prepared! I remember just looking at Elder Campbell and having an out of body experience. I just was like wow, this is what it's like being a missionary! Changing lives and bringing people to God! Bringing to spirit unto them so they can take those steps to change their lives. I love it! 

We were able to set another baptismal date with another one of our investigators! Lin! 17 year old Chinese kid! He messaged us a few days later and said his parents told him he didn't have time to meet with us so he dropped us and that was sad, but we're going to try to talk to his parents so we'll see how it goes! 

The field is white already to harvest! I love this work and this people! 

Till next week! 

Elder Lim 

Cute girl that we teach in eikaiwa! We made animals out of clay! 
Nice old lady that gave me a pink umbrella in the rain. Fashionable 


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