Qualifies the Called

かぞく と ともだち、

I am officially a 3rd of the way done with the MTC. The Elders and Sisters that were here when we got here have now left to Japan and it's crazy to think that in a few short weeks that I will be in their shoes. The time at the MTC seems so long but at the same time it seems so short. 

I was called as a district leader this week and I am excited for the opportunity that I have to serve and help my fellow Elders and Sisters. I know that the Lord qualifies who he calls and I have received a surplus of inspiration these last few days. 

The Language is difficult, however I have learned so much in the past few weeks. Ever since the first week we have been teaching lessons in Japanese, and the first few lessons I used the pre-made sentences in our language guide books or a pre-written script. However recently my companion and I have been able to teach full lessons without writing a script or using our language guides. It has taken a lot of hard work, but at the same time I know that we have help from the Lord and the spirit as we teach. 

I wish everyone the best back home and encourage you all to look for the simple blessings of God in your lives!


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