Flecks of Gold
Another week has come and gone here at the Provo MTC. If I could write an email about all the things I learn in one week, the email would be pages long. Not only do I learn more Japanese every day, but about the Gospel as well. One thing that impacted me this week was a message that one of my teachers shared. She shared the Mormon message called "Flecks of Gold." It's about a young man who sells his house and travels to California to try his luck panning for Gold because he heard the rivers were full of gold nuggets the size of your fist. However after many days of panning, he only finds little flecks of gold. The young man becomes discouraged and starts to think about quitting. However he then sees an old prospector with a pouch full of gold and he asks him how he got the gold. The old prospector showed him that his pouch was actually full of flecks, and he has become wealthy from the flecks. I think sometimes in our lives we look for big events or miracles to occur in order to believe that God is helping us or that we are blessed. However that's not how things work. Things don't always come in big nuggets and we need look for the flecks of gold in our lives, and then we can see the wealth of our blessings. Miracles don't have to be mighty, but can be small and easy to miss. I encourage everyone to look for the flecks of gold in their lives and you will be surprised to notice all the simple miracles around you.
Other than being a little sick I am still doing good, only a few more days before I'm halfway done at the MTC! Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day, and remember to Love one Another!!
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