Sachiko's Baptism

Hello from the beautiful island of Okinawa!

Words cannot describe the joy and happiness of this week. SACHIKO GOT BAPTIZED! Being a part of her conversion and this whole experience has been the biggest blessing. I wouldn't trade it for the world. She has been so prepared and honestly all I did was teach. She was the one who searched and studied on her own and gained her own testimony. It's very humbling to be a part of such an experience. I am beginning to understand the scripture, "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!" I feel like if I never am able to experience something like this again on my mission, I will still look back on my mission with joy, knowing that I was a part of this experience. The spirit was so strong at the baptism and the feeling indescribable. Sachiko is going to become such a strong member, I know it. And her daughter will grow up in a home with the spirit. It's so awesome to think of the first time we knocked on her door and met her, and now here she is, a member of the true church of Christ. It's awesome to see the change in her countenance as well. Never would I have imagined something like this happening in my time here. 

Other exciting news this week, there was a pretty strong typhoon and I heard the winds were like 135mph or something. The apartment would shake sometimes. That was fun! We had to stay inside all day which was less fun. It's crazy to see some of the damage. McDonald's drive through completely blew away, signs and everything. Pretty crazy stuff. 

Hisada unfortunately got super busy this week and couldn't get baptized or come the church. She said she can't come next week either so it's looking kinda iffy for her... Also haven't been able to contact her in awhile 

Not much else exciting after that! Still waiting for Elder Wheeler's bike! It's taking longer to get here cause of the typhoon. But we've seen so many miracles from walking! Housing in areas I wouldn't normally house and finding more people ready to hear the Gospel again! The work rolls forward! 

Elder Lim 


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