Elder Wheeler


What a week! First, Hisada and Sachiko passed their baptismal interviews! Hisada actually has to work this next weekend though, so she won't be getting baptized yet, but Sachiko will! I'm so happy for them!! 

So Wednesday morning I took a flight up to Fukuoka to pick up my New Missionary! We had a training and I met a lot of awesome missionaries in the mission. One of my past companions, Elder Johnson, is the new Assistant to the President, so it was way good to see him again! Then we met our new missionaries! My son! His name is Elder Wheeler from Bountiful Utah! 18 and fresh out of High School! I feel so old haha. He's way awesome! Way humble kid, excited for the work and ready to learn! Should be a fun transfer!

Thursday we flew back to our area and finally got back only to realize that we had left the apartment key with the zone leaders and they forgot to give it back to us. So I called them and they had left the keys in their apartment. So we had to take a bus and the monorail back up to Naha and walk to the Zone Leader's apartment to get the key, then bus back again. Great way to start out training haha!

So we went to go buy Elder Wheeler's bike Friday and they didn't have the right size for him so we had to order one. So we won't have our bikes this next week and we'll be on foot! We've been meeting so many awesome people though from walking around and housing close to the apartment! 

Not much else this week! I love this work and I LOVE these people!! 

Elder Lim 

-Me and my Bean
- Trainers
-Plane ride
- some trainers and their new missionaries 
- Legendary Elder Swapp! (Past zone leader in Yamaguchi) 


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