

It's been crazy! I got my new companion and he's super awesome! Way hard worker and just way chill. Gonna see a lot of miracles this transfer!

I was a little overwhelmed at first, getting into a new area and not knowing anything! But the Lord has been really showing me my weaknesses and humbling me a lot, so it's been good. Not too much going on investigator wise since we're not able to meet anyone without our bikes. Right now there's a typhoon going on so that's been exciting. Procelyting in a typhoon is so fun!! Everyone is home too cause no one wants to go out in a typhoon haha!

My new area is way rural so a lot of farms and farmers! Tons of fun! Not sure what else to say, don't have a lot of time either, but I love this work and I know that through relying on Jesus Christ, we can overcome our trials and difficulties!

Elder Lim


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