Press Forward

This week has been way good! It's been way cold and snowing, but sunny at the same time! Way good to see the sun!! This week we had interviews with the mission president and he pumped me up to see a baptism by the end of the transfer!! I have faith!! But if it doesn't happen at least I will know that I did everything I could and tried my hardest!
This week we had District Conference in Ube! Like stake conference but since Yamaguchi is a district it's called district conference. They released the District presidency and called a New one so it was kinda big. The area authority, Elder Yamashita, came and spoke! Way cool to meet him.
Oh update on bowling from last week, I won! I know that grandma would be proud.
This week we went out to lunch with this less active and he took us to this Cafe that you can smoke in so it was a little sketchy, but the food was good! Anyways just spending time and helping people feel God's love again is such a good experience. I can testify that building each other up is way important for people to stay active in the church. People feel God's love through his servants and we all have a responsibility to serve each other. I can't really think of any stories this week. We have been proselyting a lot, but not seeing a ton of success. We've been talking to a lot of people though and I've seen our message touch people and we've been able to bring the spirit unto them and just seeing and being able to do that is the greatest blessing. This work is hard, and some days it's hard to get out the door, no matter how used you are to it, but it's all worth it. Sometimes we see zero success and so it's way hard to keep going, but if we press forward, God will bless us even greater in the end. It's always when I feel like God has abandoned me in this work that I see a miracle and His hand directing me.
Oh this week I was able to go to two hospitals and give blessings to two people! Way awesome experience. First time giving a blessing out here in Japan! First one was this old lady and she was way happy! Seeing such happiness after giving a blessing was way cool and warmed my heart. God is mindful of His children! I know that the Priesthood is real and is God's power and authority to bless His children here on earth!!
Sorry I don't have a lot to say this week. If you want to know anything in particular shoot me an email!!
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