
Dear Friends and Family, 

This morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow!! We made a snowman and put it in front of a members house for their birthday and write happy birthday and stuck candy in it! Way fun! Haha I love snow! If only I could snowboard... It's okay though cause riding your bike in the snow is almost just as fun! And I haven't fallen yet! Today we are going to have this luau in Yamaguchi. Elder Purcell, who is Samoan, put it together and he's going all out for it! He's barbecuing tons of meet and we're gonna do the Haka and some dances in front of everyone so it should be fun! 

This week has been awesome! We've been focusing a lot on members this week and so we visited people a lot this week. I was reading in the PMG about the importance of members and it clearly states the best way to baptize people and for them to remain active in the church is to work through members. We visited this one sort of part less active family, the father doesn't come to church a lot, and gave them a letter and candy and then shared a short message about helping rescue lost sheep! Then the wife gave us two referrals!! I didn't think it was possible to actually get referrals out here haha! So yeah pretty much first time ever getting a referral from a member. So we're going to visit them sometime this week and see how it goes! Then the next day the less active Father called us and asked if he could take us out to eat! Way cool miracle. So this transfer has taught me a lot on how to build up the branch more and build a good relationship with members and I've been seeing a lot of miracles from it. 

--So we just had the luau and we prepared all day and it was a huge success! Spent most of the day barbecueing 14 kilos of chicken! Lots of nonmembers and members came! I totally failed in both dances I did haha but it was way fun. Anyways long story short, now we have no time to email so I'm sorry everyone!! I'll write a better email next week and email everyone back! Love you all keep being awesome! 

Elder Lim


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