Hello from the rice fields of Yatsushiro!
This last week was way good! It was Golden Week here in Japan, which means that everyone has work and school off for a week!
So this week We visited an investigator with a member and they hit it off way good! The members here are so great at fellowshipping! Then that investigator came to church again this week! She is so prepared! We are going to try to actually teach the lessons more periodically and get her baptized!
One fun thing we did this week is we went to a high school band/choir concert! So we were housing and we met this high school girl and I asked her if she did any school clubs. she said she was in the band and so I asked if she had any concerts coming up and she said she did and invited us to her concert! So we went and it was so fun! We were able to talk to some people we sat next to and invite them to eikaiwa!
Also one cool thing is that we basically have our own personal baker! This old lady that used to be baking teacher was someone in our area book that we visited and she's like, I can bake ANYTHING! if you want any kind of bread or cake, I will make it for you!! So she made us a shifon cake the other day 
We also had zone conference this week and learned about finding people to teach. Something that the mission has been struggling with lately! We learned a lot! I also got to see a lot of mission friends, including Elder Howells! I worked with him in Okinawa!
It's starting to warm up here and I can finally not wear a jacket at night, but I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitos again 

Elder Lim
-Elder Howells
-shifon cake
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