Happy New years!
Happy New Years everyone!! Can't believe it's 2019 already! Where has the time gone... Well the last of 2018 was pretty crazy. I'm excited for this new year and the opportunity to reflect on how we can improve this year!
This week was a lot of fun! So on Christmas we got together as a zone and played games and ate Costco food together! Then we went caroling at the place in Hiroshima with a ton of lights! It was so much fun! We also did exchanges in Kure this week. It was crazy being back in such a rural area, it reminded me of Hofu. Zone conference was also this week and it's crazy how many people were there that I've never met before. Being on Okinawa keeps you pretty isolated from the rest of the mission. It's also getting way cold! Anyways, so the mission is focusing a lot on online procelyting rather than streeting and housing. So we got a lot of training on that. Hey by the way everyone please like our English conversation class page on Facebook and help support! I'm trying to make our page the best haha. I'll attach a picture of the page.
Today for new years we woke up at 4am and went up a hill to watch the sunrise, cause that's what people do in Japan. It was an awesome experience and a ton of people were there. I also got interviewed by a news station there so catch me on Japanese Television!! 
One crazy thing that happened yesterday: so we went out to eat at ramen and we walk out of the shop and there's this guy laying on the ground with blood and teeth around his head and his face covered in blood. He was unconscious and some random people started doing cpr. It was way scary cause I was like oh shoot this guy is gonna die. But then I noticed eventually that he was breathing so I don't know why they kept going... But eventually someone came over and told them to stop and the ambulance came and carted him off. Kinda traumatic for everyone.. Motivated me to take another cpr class sometime, you never know when someone is gonna need your help!
Anyways, it's been a special experience to have these holidays here in Japan. I'm definitely going to miss this next year. I also encourage everyone to use this new year as an opportunity to recommit yourself to follow Christ and through His Atonement, improving and changing yourself to become the sons and daughters of God that our Heavenly Father desires you to be!!
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