In the Books
Another week in the books! It just goes by faster and faster!
This week was good! We finally were able to procelyte without many disruptions and it felt good to get out there again and spread the good word of God! One cool experience was that we met these Filipinos that let us in! Way nice older couple. They are pretty devout catholic, but it was good to just talk about how Christ has helped our lives. People with even some knowledge of the teachings of Christ always have a special attitude about them. We were able to share with them the restoration and they were interested in reading the Book of Mormon so we'll see how it goes! Also we met this really nice lady who gave me a mango for the Book of Mormon so that was awesome 
Another fun thing this week: we ate at the beach with a part member family! Turned out way good and we're planning on meeting the nonmember of the family today! Hopefully it turns out good.
We've been going out to eat to sushi a lot with investigators so that's been fun.
We also volunteered at a day service center and taught some kids english and it was crazy cause this one mom and her kids came that was a lady that used to come to Eikaiwa. She was also a potential investigator when I was serving in Oroku.
We also had Zone Training meeting this week and I realized that I need to ask better questions when I talk to people and it's been awesome asking people more about themselves than just trying to teach them. I've been able to meet some way awesome people that would normally just would say no to us. For example, we met this one lady and after talking with her for awhile, we found out that she works as at a funeral home and dresses up dead bodies for burial. Way interesting haha
Sachiko is way awesome and is a way powerful missionary. She jointed in the Oroku Elder's lesson with their investigator and Lederman Barlow said she was the most powerful joint he's ever had on his mission.
That's it for this week!
Elder Lim
-dinner at beach
-member got pulled over after taking us out to eat
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