BAPTISM - The Worth of Souls

Saturday we actually had a typhoon in the morning, so we had to cancel the baptism and move it to Sunday, at first I was really frustrated, but Sunday turned out great. Really humbling experience for me haha.
Another awesome miracle this week! We were on companion splits with the Yonabaru Elders and we streeted this 18 year old kid. Way nice, way golden. Just really absorbed everything and agreed to meet again. Me and Elder Barlow met him again and we set a baptismal date with him! He actually lives in another area so we have to pass him to Shuri sisters, but he has so much potential!! Also randomly, an English class student randomly showed up to church! So many miracles this week!
I don't have much time because my email wasn't working at first, but it's good now! Love you all!
Elder Lim
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