Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! No one really celebrates Easter here, but I still love Easter and the special spirit it brings of renewal and hope! So leaving Hiroshima and coming to Yatsushiro was tough. Maybe tougher than leaving Okinawa. I really grew to love Hiroshima and the city. Saying goodbye was really hard. Yatsushiro is very very rural and not a lot of people. The branch is also very small, about 10 people I'd say. So it's been a big adjustment these last few days. However I got to Skype in for Owen's baptism! That was a special moment and I'm so grateful for the technology that we have. It was a special meeting and you could feel the spirit so strong! Everyone is Hikari Ward was waiting for this day to come for a long time! I'm glad I got to be a part of it. We had stake conference this Sunday and I got to meet a lot of members in the stake. Kumamoto stake definitely has a different feel than Hiroshima. I'm excited to see some miracles here! My new companion ...