Farewell Elder Wheeler
What a crazy week!
So I lost my son... But I adopted a new one!! Haha long story short: Elder Wheeler had some health problems he's been struggling with for awhile now and the doctors decided it was best for him to go home, so I buried my son 
However, my new companion was someone else's son. That Elder was called up to work in the office so he had to put his son up for adoption and so they gave him to me! Haha my new companion/son is Elder Takahashi from Hiroshima! He is just three weeks old in the mission. So I will continue training him! He's already a stud missionary with lots of fire. I can't wait to get to work with him!
So I got to stay with Oroku Elders in Oroku for a few days before I got my new companion. I always joked about transferring back to Oroku haha! It was super fun visiting investigators I used to teach and show the Oroku Elders around my second home. We visited one investigator who was pregnant when I first met her, and now her baby is already 3 months old! We were able to organize a time for her to have a meal with a member so that was cool! It was also way fun just being with the Oroku Elders. They are way solid and know how to work hard. I got to teach their investigator with them and it was this way chill guy named Yara. Just way chill and way down to change his life. He's super busy with work and won't be able to come to church till next month, but he still has a ton of potential.
It was so nostalgic to be back and I love Oroku area! Sadly the time was short! I love Itoman too though haha! It's been way fun visiting members and making relationships with the members that you didn't even knew existed at church! Haha
Oh by the way, we had Thanksgiving dinner and it was super good! Super grateful! The couple from America that fed us were Elder Wheelers aunt and uncle. I was talking to his uncle on the way home and he was still carrying a picture of his wife that he got from his wife on his mission 40 years ago! Haha true love! I thought that was way cool.
Well that's pretty much it on the last couple days! Hope everyone is doing good!
Elder Lim
-Elder Takahashi and Miyagi 兄弟
- Koharu in a box
-the GOAT
--pictures on top of these castle ruins that the American couple took us to see
-Me and Elder Takahashi!
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