I'm getting a son!!

Hey! Transfers were this week and... I'm getting a son!! For those of you who don't know mission lingo, I'm training a new missionary! I'm also staying in Itoman so that's awesome. Elder Campbell is transferring to the beautiful island of Amami and going senior there! I'm so excited for him! I'm sad he's going to miss the baptism of Hisada and Sachiko though. This week was a little bit slow, Elder Campbell got sick and so we had to stay in a couple days. But the work is still moving! So at church last week, there was this girl that came that I never saw before, so I said hi and it turns out she wasn't a member, she was the sister of a girl who got baptized a few years ago. The mom is also a member. So we visit their house one night and had a way awesome talk with the member sister. She really wants her sister to get baptized so we made a plan to start teaching her! We'll see what happens! Pretty much the fir...