I Love Being a Missionary

This last week was my last full week and boy was it a busy one! We are trying to meet as many people as we can! We literally had someone take us out to eat at least once a day every day, sometimes twice, and I now appreciate a nice home cooked meal... I literally haven't felt hungry since last Thursday haha! Some things that went down: So we had district meeting in kumamoto and a member there that I met during exchanges wanted to meet me before I left. So she met us at the train station and we got donuts and talked. She's kind of a special member because her husband is a stake high counselor and very active, yet she feels like she has no testimony. So she goes to church all the time, but struggles with her own conversion. So we had a nice long discussion on how she can receive her own witness. She also has some bad relationships in the ward she's in so she doesn't always enjoy church. I guess the missionaries there don't really talk to her, so she felt like she ...