The Power of Chocolate Cake

Hello! What a busy week! It hit rainy season and it's been raining like crazy lately! I slipped in some mud last night so that was fun! First on pday we went to minamata and visited some less active members and had dinner with on of the families there! It was a lot of fun! The husband is taking a "break" from church right now and it's sad because he's a returned missionary and everything! We challenged them to do come follow me as a family. Wednesday we had a cooking English class! The students learned how to make different kinds of pancakes following an English recipe! It was pretty fun! The pancakes turned out good too even though I made up all the recipes! Haha Thursday we had exchanges in Kumamoto and I had raw horse meat for the first time! It was way delicious! Friday we had a lesson with one of our investigators and we had a way good lesson! However she doesn't feel ready to pray yet... It's nice because we have plenty of people to teach, but ...