Zone Conference

Hey fam and friends! This week was awesome! Every week is awesome but this one was way awesome! So some highlights! We had zone conference this week and I got so much Revelation! We had some members come and we talked about how we can work better with members and what the members want missionaries to do. It really opened my eyes and I feel like we've been able to work with members a lot better. We went and played basketball on Friday night and there are a lot of less active kids and former investigators there. I've been able to make really good relationships with them over the last few weeks! I talked to one of the kids and I asked him why he never got baptized and he said he was just busy, but he still wants to get baptized! He's busy on Sundays though but we'll be trying to meet with him again! Saturday we had a meal with a less active members and her daughter. It was way awesome and I'm super determined on getting them back to church! They are such amazing ...