Build the Kingdom of God

Hello! Another busy week! So we had interviews with President this week and that went pretty good. We had a meal with this less active lady and she was super nice. She's always not gone to church but she always has the missionaries over for dinner. We decided to maybe use family history as a gateway to the gospel and she ended up having a ton of interest! Way cool miracle. We've just been trying to figure out how better to work with members nowadays. Missionary work is really centered around the members I realized. We can't do this work without them. I haven't really housed or Streeted at all this transfer and it's been an interesting experience. My main goal for this ward is to really make it a family. The only way to do that is to teach members to minister. I've realized how important ministering is. This new direction from the Prophets is truly inspired. The problem is that most people don't know how or why we minister. So as missionaries we...