Begin Purification

Hello! What a crazy week! Not much time to email so this week will be short! So one cool miracle: so once a week we go to this main shopping center and hold signs that say "ask us 3 questions" and people come up to us and sometimes it turns into a gospel conversation. It's like fishing rather than hunting haha. (hunting being stopping people and trying to talk to them) Anyways so this couple came up to me and Elder Takaku and so we talked about why we were in Japan and what we were doing. It ended up turning into a way spiritual conversation about how the gospel blesses families and the wife started to cry! We weren't able to set an appointment, but I know that they are being prepared to one day accept the gospel! We had interviews this week with the mission president and we're learning a lot on building our areas with activities and different things we can do to introduce people to the Gospel. I've been trying to think of different ideas. So far...