
Showing posts from October, 2018

General Conference

Hello! This week was super busy! Elder Wheeler finally got his bike! It's pretty sweet I must say.  General Conference was way awesome and I got to watch the Sunday sessions in Japanese which was very humbling and inspired me to study language more haha! General Conference on the mission is always a special experience. I am so grateful for a living prophet guiding us in these latter days. I know that he has been called of God, and that he is a true messenger of God. One of my favorite talks from General Conference was from Elder Ronald A. Rasband. He talked about how sometimes we can be like the disciples in the storm, fearing and worrying about all these different things. And we forget to trust in the Lord. The Lord has the power to calm our storms in life, but we also need to trust him that even in the storms, we can be protected and guided. I definitely feel like sometimes I have a hard time trusting and relying on the Lord so I hope to be able to improve.  ...

Sachiko's Baptism

Hello from the beautiful island of Okinawa! Words cannot describe the joy and happiness of this week. SACHIKO GOT BAPTIZED! Being a part of her conversion and this whole experience has been the biggest blessing. I wouldn't trade it for the world. She has been so prepared and honestly all I did was teach. She was the one who searched and studied on her own and gained her own testimony. It's very humbling to be a part of such an experience. I am beginning to understand the scripture, "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!" I feel like if I never am able to experience something like this again on my mission, I will still look back on my mission with joy, knowing that I was a part of this experience. The spirit was so strong at the baptism and the feeling indescribable. Sachiko is going to become such a stro...

Elder Wheeler

H ello! What a week! First, Hisada and Sachiko passed their baptismal interviews! Hisada actually has to work this next weekend though, so she won't be getting baptized yet, but Sachiko will! I'm so happy for them!!  So Wednesday morning I took a flight up to Fukuoka to pick up my New Missionary! We had a training and I met a lot of awesome missionaries in the mission. One of my past companions, Elder Johnson, is the new Assistant to the President, so it was way good to see him again! Then we met our new missionaries! My son! His name is Elder Wheeler from Bountiful Utah! 18 and fresh out of High School! I feel so old haha. He's way awesome! Way humble kid, excited for the work and ready to learn! Should be a fun transfer! Thursday we flew back to our area and finally got back only to realize that we had left the apartment key with the zone leaders and they forgot to give it back to us. So I called them and they had left the keys in their apartment....