General Conference

Hello! This week was super busy! Elder Wheeler finally got his bike! It's pretty sweet I must say. General Conference was way awesome and I got to watch the Sunday sessions in Japanese which was very humbling and inspired me to study language more haha! General Conference on the mission is always a special experience. I am so grateful for a living prophet guiding us in these latter days. I know that he has been called of God, and that he is a true messenger of God. One of my favorite talks from General Conference was from Elder Ronald A. Rasband. He talked about how sometimes we can be like the disciples in the storm, fearing and worrying about all these different things. And we forget to trust in the Lord. The Lord has the power to calm our storms in life, but we also need to trust him that even in the storms, we can be protected and guided. I definitely feel like sometimes I have a hard time trusting and relying on the Lord so I hope to be able to improve. ...