
Showing posts from February, 2018

Happy Valentines

Transfers!!!  Guess what!!?? I'm staying in Hofu! Yayyy hahaha! My new companion will be Elder Segura! I don't know him but I've heard good things!! What a week!! It was Elder Hayashi's birthday this week! It was on Valentines day! We celebrated in District Meeting and made him a cake! He's going home this week though so he's gonna pretty much celebrate his birthday when he gets home. Oh and speaking of valentines day, happy valentines day! I guess in Japan they have a day where girls give guys stuff and a different day where guys give girls stuff. I'm not sure which one is which. But as always as a missionary, holidays are pretty much normal days haha. Let's just say everyone that came to Eikaiwa (English Class) was male haha! I asked them all what they liked to do for valentines day and that turned out to be an awkward question since they were all at eikaiwa for valentines day.. Haha! Nothing super crazy happened this week. Just little ...


Dear Friends and Family,  This morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow!! We made a snowman and put it in front of a members house for their birthday and write happy birthday and stuck candy in it! Way fun! Haha I love snow! If only I could snowboard... It's okay though cause riding your bike in the snow is almost just as fun! And I haven't fallen yet! Today we are going to have this luau in Yamaguchi. Elder Purcell, who is Samoan, put it together and he's going all out for it! He's barbecuing tons of meet and we're gonna do the Haka and some dances in front of everyone so it should be fun!  This week has been awesome! We've been focusing a lot on members this week and so we visited people a lot this week. I was reading in the PMG about the importance of members and it clearly states the best way to baptize people and for them to remain active in the church is to work through members. We visited this one sort of part less active family, the father do...

Press Forward

Dear Friends and Family!! This week has been way good! It's been way cold and snowing, but sunny at the same time! Way good to see the sun!! This week we had interviews with the mission president and he pumped me up to see a baptism by the end of the transfer!! I have faith!! But if it doesn't happen at least I will know that I did everything I could and tried my hardest! This week we had District Conference in Ube! Like stake conference but since Yamaguchi is a district it's called district conference. They released the District presidency and called a New one so it was kinda big. The area authority, Elder Yamashita, came and spoke!  Way cool to meet him. Oh update on bowling from last week, I won! I know that grandma would be proud.  This week we went out to lunch with this less active and he took us to this Cafe that you can smoke in so it was a little sketchy, but the food was good! Anyways just spending time and helping people feel God's love again ...