Happy Valentines

Transfers!!! Guess what!!?? I'm staying in Hofu! Yayyy hahaha! My new companion will be Elder Segura! I don't know him but I've heard good things!! What a week!! It was Elder Hayashi's birthday this week! It was on Valentines day! We celebrated in District Meeting and made him a cake! He's going home this week though so he's gonna pretty much celebrate his birthday when he gets home. Oh and speaking of valentines day, happy valentines day! I guess in Japan they have a day where girls give guys stuff and a different day where guys give girls stuff. I'm not sure which one is which. But as always as a missionary, holidays are pretty much normal days haha. Let's just say everyone that came to Eikaiwa (English Class) was male haha! I asked them all what they liked to do for valentines day and that turned out to be an awkward question since they were all at eikaiwa for valentines day.. Haha! Nothing super crazy happened this week. Just little ...