Taco Night in Kumamoto

Hello! Well one transfer down and a couple more to go! It's crazy how fast time flies... So transfer calls came today and I'm staying here In Yatsushiro with Elder Balute! Looking forward to another awesome transfer! This week was full of miracles! I started focusing more on the Book of Mormon and was able to hand out more this week than I did my whole time in Hiroshima! We had a Tacos Night in Kumamoto when we were on exchanges and it was so nice eating Mexican for the first time in forever! Haha I was also able to talk to a lot of people and got one of the college students there to come play basketball with us at 6:30 in the morning at the church! At the end we were able to give her a book of Mormon and challenge her to read it! On Wednesday we met with a Potential investigator and ate McDonald's with him. Way chill kid and at the end we gave him a Book of Mormon and he said he would read it! Then at English class we were able to talk to more students at the end ab...