Chubby Thug Kid

Hey! This week was crazy! So many miracles! This week I really felt like I was reaping the fruits of my labor this week haha! The Lord blessed us with another awesome investigator!! She was a past investigator of about a year ago, we met her when we first got to Oroku, but she said she was too busy to meet with us. But then randomly, she calls us and says she wants to meet! She just quit her job so she literally has all the time in the world now haha! We had a way good lesson with her and had her pray at the end. She was like "wow, I really needed that prayer." Way awesome! The Lord has prepared her! I'm excited to see what happens with her! Our other investigator that has a baptismal date is still progressing and said he would keep all the commandments! He loves coffee, but as soon as we told him that we don't drink coffee, he hasn't had any! We've also been making a ton of return appointments and finding new investigators! Truly blessed! Funn...