
Hey! This week was a lot of work! We've been getting used to the streets and meeting members! Not a lot of time this week so I'll keep it short. I love Okinawa! We were procelyteing in this neighborhood and found this random soba restaurant on the bottom of these apartments and it was so good! There were randomly a ton of people inside so we tried it! It ended up being one of the best soba restaurants in Okinawa! Haha! This week the church flooded and seeped down into the kitchen and the ceiling tiles fell off! Way crazy haha! Also sometimes it rains like crazy so one night we got caught out without any raincoats so I got absolutely soaked! We've been meeting people with a lot of potential, but we don't have any solid investigators yet. We're working hard though and getting better at teaching together! Hope everyone is doing good! Shout out to my new baby niece! Love Elder Lim